More recently, in the dramatic 2016 presidential election the voting age population exceeded the actual number of voters by over 113-million & the VAP turnout was 54.7% meaning that almost half the country that was old enough to vote didn't. See graphic below.
With regard to the above typical American who votes I can only add to Wayne's description that I know someone who votes for the person on the debate stage who wears the nicest tie – whether or not that person is even a candidate.
The Founders wanted the voters to be people with skin in the game & to keep elections as local as possible. The original constitutional popular voting power did not extend past voting for Members of the House of Representatives. Senators were chosen by State Legislatures & the President still is actually chosen by electors who are chosen in a "Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct."
So in essence the only people who originally could vote in America were property owners - white male & free negroes in the states indicated above - they voted for electors who they thought would best study all the presidential candidates & their positions on the issues. These property owning voters were also the ones who elected Members of the House.
In The Federalist No. 68 Hamilton wrote regarding the guarded way in which the President was to be selected "that if the manner of it be not perfect, it is @ least excellent."
The Founders were well aware of the principle I refer to as Death Of Democracy - they knew as students of history that a democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
Over the decades the American system of voting eased until today people who receive government checks to pay for a large part of their existence vote & actually cancel out the votes of people who pay the taxes that these people rely on. Can't express the Death Of Democracy clearer than that.
This is why America is a constitutional republic - not a democracy. "A republic, madam, if you can keep it" was Benjamin Franklin's reply to Elizabeth Powell's question @ the end of the Constitutional Convention about what sort of government the delegates of the Convention had created on September 17, 1787.
The political conventions of the past two weeks gave the Democrats (Biden & Harris) & Republicans (Trump & Pence) the chance to showcase what they plan to do if their candidates are elected. And by "their candidates" I include Democrat governors & mayors who are the ones who have allowed the tyranny, rioting, looting, destruction, & the ruination of innocent lives in their own states & cities under the pretense of peaceful protests. They have allowed paid out of town professionals & opportunistic looters, after dark, to agitate & really destroy whatever peaceful elements of the protests ever existed - instead of arresting these looters & agitators, finding out who is paying them, & then bringing them all to justice.
The Democrats spent much of their convention blaming President Trump for the deaths & hardships caused by the Wuhan coronavirus but of course they never called it that in deference to the Communist Chinese. Conspicuous by its absence was any mention whatsoever during the Democrat convention condemning the rioting, burning, & looting in neighborhoods of people they think of as their constituents. Finally on the next to last day of the Republican convention, nearly a week after his own convention, Biden put out a video criticizing the violence & looting - but only after focus groups started to show defunding the police & supporting, even tacitly, rioting & looting were still political losers in America. But like the Wuhan coronavirus Biden feels that Trump is responsible for the riots & civil unrest.
And of course Biden is wrong on both the virus & civil unrest counts. The national government's functions do not include police powers – principally safety & health matters which are the responsibility of the states or cities. With the exception of banning travel to the United States from places like Communist China, where the Wuhan coronavirus originated, the President has no direct power or authority under the Constitution for health issues including any involvement in the current Covid-19 pandemic.
The Constitution's enumerated powers specifically grant Congress the power to call out the militia (Militia Clause - Article I, Section 8, Clause 15) & the President the authority to command the militia (Commander Of Militia Clause - Article II, Section 2, Clause 1) when needed in the active service to the U.S. Starting in 1792 with the Uniform Militia Act (also known as the Calling Forth Act) Congress delegated to the President the authority to call out the militia & this delegated authority remains today for the President to suppress civil disorders, insurrections, or rebellions when governors do not exercise their authority to call out the National Guard (descendant of the colonial militia) when it is obviously necessary. An example of presidential primacy in this regard is President Kennedy calling out the National Guard to integrate the University of Mississippi in 1962.
In the case of Washington state, Governor Jay Inslee seemed oblivious to the take over by thugs of blocks of Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood from June 8 to July 1 in a police free zone that resulted in Carmen Best, the first Black woman Seattle Police Chief, to resign.
Governors & mayors have their own police departments & control of their state National Guards as well as the cooperation of President Trump in providing resources to quell the current violence in short order, if asked. Absent the action to accomplish this you can only conclude that the violence you see is what the people in the affected areas want & will continue to get.
Biden has said he would shut down the entire economy, if president, if scientists told him that was the best way to fight the virus. Sounds more like the job of a project coordinator than a project manager & being president is a project management job. Since he has no authority over the states on this matter, just what would Biden do that Trump has not tried to do if the states ignored him?
The Democrat convention did not focus on the details of any policy agenda. It certainly did not mention the impracticality of the Green New Deal like grounding airplanes or the astronomical trillion dollar increases in taxes required to fund their programs. You wouldn't expect them to point out the poor decisions that Biden has made over his 47 year government career or his flip flopping on practicing Catholic matters like abandoning the Hyde Amendment that forbids taxpayer money to fund abortion.
And whether Biden would ban fracking or new fracking permits or ban drilling for oil on federal lands or everywhere it is safe to say that he is no fan of any of this & AOC will be the enforcer to make sure he only gets more vehement regarding eliminating fossil fuels.
Click here to hear Biden's acceptance speech.
The Republican convention highlighted one inspirational speaker after another including Nick Sandmann, the student from Kentucky who had a hateful encounter on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 2019, & Ann Dorn, the widow of retired police officer David Dorn who was killed during a protest of June 2.
Both Trump & Pence called out the Democrats' shift toward socialism & this was met by resistance from readers of this blog - as being too easy on them. Economics501 wrote that Trump's speech was a missed opportunity to detail the dangers of Democrat Marxism to the electorate & that the speech should have explained that Marxism extends socialism with the gamut of individual freedom restrictions like speech & religion.
Of course I agree with this assessment except it may be too advanced for @ least some of this electorate described hereinbefore - an electorate educated in government schools that are more dangerous to America than al Qaeda ever was. The portion of the electorate I am referring to thinks socialism refers to some social media they have not yet tried so what in the world will they think Marxism is?
Rudy's speech on the socialism topic wrapped all of this together for the most elementary to understand when he said "He's (Biden) a Trojan horse with Bernie, AOC, Pelosi, Black Lives Matter, & his party's entire left wing just waiting to execute their pro-criminal, anti-police, socialist policies."
EW wrote - "Would have liked to hear him (Trump) say after going through Biden's platform, this is what I will do. His wife, & Ivanka, showed up really well. Nancy against the debates, doesn't she know that doesnt look good for Biden."
Click here to hear Trump's acceptance speech.
In summary, everyone should think back to last February & see if you were not doing better under Trump than you had under BO/Biden. Unemployment was 3.5% & Black, Hispanic, Asian, & women unemployment was @ or near record lows. The gap between Black & white joblessness had dropped to the lowest level ever since these records were first kept in the 1970s. Wages were rising.
We don't know when the Covid-19 pandemic will end. In fact with the CDC changing their recommendations on such basics as wearing masks & not needing to be tested if coming in close contact with confirmed Covid-19 cases if you don't have symptoms or the WHO now declaring that lockdowns are more harmful than helpful we have no confidence that anyone really knows how to combat the Wuhan coronavirus.
What we do know is that if the pandemic passes any time in the next four years that Trump has a proven record to restore our prosperity & no indication that Biden, based on his 47 years in government, can.
Just about as important as the presidential election is the election of senators, governors, & mayors that stand for reelection in 2020. As detailed above, voting out the type of Democrat governors & mayors who have tolerated the destruction, looting, burning, & killings in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, Baltimore, & other cities is the fastest way to return America to normalcy.