"Our campaign is not about beating Trump, it is about transforming this country." – Bernie Sanders speaking after he won the NH primary
a satirical image of President Lincoln using the words of Joe Biden misquoting the Declaration Of Independence
The 2020 Democrat primary election process has provided a vivid example of how a primary process should work. After Super Tuesday nearly 14 million votes had been cast in 16 Democrat primaries & 3 caucuses. What started as a very large Democrat field had boiled down to two candidates - Bernie Sanders & Joe Biden, who can best be represented by the above quotes in which Bernie clearly stated his core belief & Biden presented no ability to enunciate one. Through Super Tuesday Biden had received 36% of all Democrat primary & caucus votes & Bernie had received 29%.
During the first three events in IO, NH, & NV the Democrat party electorate voted for their preferred candidate with no influence from previous state results– & it wasn't Biden. Buttigieg & Bernie came out on top with Biden an also ran who was given up as a laughing stock by broadcasters like Glenn Beck.
But Biden, never thinking he could do well in the first three contests, staked his presidential bid on the unconventional strategy of winning the fourth electoral contest in South Carolina – which he did win by 28 points. SC was the first primary state Biden ever won – now in his third run for the presidency dating back to 1988 - & it came just in time. But Biden was still down after winning SC & Bernie looked strong going forward.
There were only two days between Biden's SC victory & the Super Tuesday contests in 14 states – not much time for Biden to gain any momentum from the big SC win. But mysteriously Buttigieg & Klobuchar dropped out of the race right before Super Tuesday, thereby never giving themselves a chance to win, & equally as surprising Warren stayed in the race – one way or the other all three benefited Biden on Super Tuesday & disadvantaged Bernie so that Biden exited Super Tuesday about 75 delegates in the lead after looking like Lazarus of Bethany only a very few days before – or like Truman right after the Chicago Daily Tribune announced the winner of the 1948 presidential election – see photo below. Exit polls showed that late deciding voters went for Biden.
click on photo to enlarge
Now I say the primary process worked because the Democrat electorate saw plenty of these candidates & earlier dismissed the two black candidates, Kamala Harris & Cory Booker, & then later eliminated homosexual Buttigieg & females Klobuchar & Warren so that the main contenders are two white men both over 77 years old who will not take office for over ten months from now if they win in November. Democrats also dismiss Tulsi Gabbard, a female who is still in the race, when they complain there is no female still in the race. Going forward it will be hard for Democrats to seriously peddle diversity & identity politics to anyone who remembers how the Democrats eliminated their own black, homosexual, & female candidates & selected their presidential nominee from one of two old white men.
The problem for Democrats, & all of us if either Biden or Bernie wins in November, is that they are both terrible candidates & either of them will bring in big government socialism – Biden just hides it a little bit, a very little bit, better than Bernie does.
Bernie campaigns in a forceful, aggressive, assertive, & brash manner pushing socialistic tenets like 1) government control of healthcare that eliminates 150 million private healthcare insurance policies & requires doctors & hospitals to take a 40% cut in compensation thereby guaranteeing rationing of services & long wait times for patients to see a doctor, 2) forgiveness of all student loan debt & making college a taxpayer funded entitlement, 3) sanctuary cities, counties, & states, 4) illegal immigrants receiving free college tuition, free healthcare, full welfare benefits, citizenship, & full Social Security benefits paid for by American taxpayers, 5) a Green New Deal that bans fracking with crippling costs over the entire economy with no benefits, 6) not only a $15 per hour minimum wage but a government guaranteed job regardless of whether or not graduates can find private employment work after being provided free college, 7) housing for all including national rent control, 8) expanded Social Security, 9) free childcare & Pre-K for all, 10) medical debts eliminated, 11) a wealth tax, 12) high speed internet for all, & 13) tax increases for corporations & the rich to pay for all the programs, projected to total over $100 trillion over the next ten years, which eventually will trickle down to the middle class paying more than their fair share.
Since the start of the Democrat primary process Biden has lurched left, without principle, toward Bernie's socialist tenets & if he does not currently espouse each & every one of the above 13 points it is only a matter of time before he does.
What became obvious between Saturday in SC & Super Tuesday is that the Democrat establishment is scared to death of Bernie @ the head of the ticket – or anywhere else for that matter. Democrats think that Bernie cannot beat Trump & they have tried to square the circle hoping that Biden has the best chance to beat Trump & that is why blacks, suburban voters, & the elderly all supported Biden on Super Tuesday in winning 10 of the 14 contests.
The Democrat primary turnout has been very high for Biden & surprisingly lackluster for Bernie. There has been a higher turnout in 2020 than in 2016 in 13 of the 14 Super Tuesday states – 36% higher in TX, 69% higher in VA, 14% higher in AL, & 46% higher in SC.
But make no mistake about it – the Democrat voters will enthusiastically back any candidate over Trump & this higher turnout for Biden in the primaries, plus another billion dollars of support from Bloomy, is a concern for Trump's reelection. The only exception is if the Bernie Bros stay home or vote for Trump in protest for what they perceive as another election stolen from Bernie.
I believe Democrats would rather win back WI, PA, & MI in November if it came to a choice of winning these three states or losing CA, which of course they won't.
Biden widened his delegate lead to 150 (935 to 785 with delegates still to be counted in CA, UT, & CO where Bernie is ahead) after the March 10 Mini Super Tuesday primaries in six states (Biden won MI, MO, MS, ID, effectively tied in WA, & lost ND) but with the Democrat party rules calling for an apportionment of delegates based on the votes it could be a long time before either candidate reaches the required 1,990 of the total of 3,979 pledged delegates to be declared the winner. Biden needs 49.9% of the outstanding delegates & Bernie needs 55.9% to secure a first ballot victory @ the convention in Milwaukee.
The Democrat party bosses do not want Bernie – see his quote @ the very top of this post – they don't want a transformation of this country yet. The question is will they still want Biden after his performance @ the one-on-one televised debate with Bernie on Sunday night - two days before primaries in OH, IL, AZ, & FL?