“Whether you like it or
not, history is on our side. We will bury you.” – Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet First
Secretary 1953 to 1964 & premier of the Soviet Union 1958 to 1964, while
addressing Western ambassadors at a reception at the Polish embassy in Moscow on
November 18, 1956. In this most famous of Khrushchev sayings he was not talking
about literally burying the west with a shovel. The first sentence shows
Khrushchev’s understanding of the Death
Of Democracy history in that a democracy, or constitutional Republic with
strong democratic principles like America, is always temporary in nature because
the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from
the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse
due to loose fiscal policy which is always followed by a
In the second sentence I always thought he was referring to the erosion of the
dollar’s purchasing power through inflation that required both the husband &
wife to go into the workplace to meet the cost of living. This left children to
be raised by others, or no one, to a large extent, which is the root cause of
the continuous mass killing spree in America by mentally unstable distressed
young men who had no family life or father figure @ all while growing
undoubtedly learned his lesson well from his communist predecessor Vladimir
Lenin who was an
advocate of putting an end to enemy countries by destroying that country’s
families. Lenin knew that a society could be overturned by debauching the
currency so that “not one man in a million” would be aware of the subtle
destruction brought by inflation – the government wealth confiscation program
that secretly & unobserved steals the wealth of the citizenry. It was the
general increase in prices & the fall in the purchasing power of money that
forced mothers out of their homes instead of raising their children like many of
the members of this readership benefitted from.
Whether it was Lenin or
Khrushchev, the sentiment is certainly the same –
just look @ America the past fifty to sixty years. It takes both a husband
& wife in a typical middle class family to go into the workplace to bring
home two paychecks of debased currency so that ends can @ least see each other
if not totally meet. The purchasing power of the middle
class has increased only infinitesimally over the last 40 plus years. The
median earnings for men working full time year round has been stagnate @ around
$50,000 per year in constant 2017 dollars from 1972 to the present. Since 1999 the median household income, in constant 2017
dollars, never surpassed the 1999 level until
Following the 1957 federal budget surplus the U.S. has run
federal budget deficits every year since - except for 1960 & 1969. It was
the 1960s federal government spending that brought the inflation that
necessitated two household earners as described above.
The government spending on both fighting an unwinnable war in
Indochina & LBJ’s Great Society (especially Medicare, Medicaid, & the
expansions of Social Security benefits) ended the economic expansion started by
JFK & was the inflation spark that required two paychecks coming in to
virtually every middle class household. Today, the Cato Institute has
determined there are 126 taxpayer funded welfare programs that not just the
needy are using but opportunistic cunning people who exploit the programs
Federal spending was 3% of GDP in 1928 – it continued to grow
in the 1960s & has a long term average of 21% of a much greater GDP meaning
that the federal government has continued to not live within its means.
One source of ready cash that contributed to the inflation
rise was the Social Security surplus from payroll taxes that was immediately
spent on every program imaginable by a profligate Congress. Today there is
nothing but IOUs in the deceptively misnamed Social Security Trust Fund which is
scheduled for book-keeping exhaustion by 2034, @ which time benefits will be
reduced, as stated on the personalized Social Security statement that is mailed
to everyone starting @ age 25 & is also available online.
The Budget Control Act of 2011, better known as the Sequester,
was a feeble attempt to control a small portion of federal discretionary
spending via automatic spending cuts that would go into effect unless both
congressional Democrats & Republicans agreed otherwise. The Sequester had
put caps on discretionary federal spending – but in 2018 Congress raised the
caps by $130 billion & just last month Congress again raised the caps $320
billion over the next two years above the Sequester limits. In essence the
Budget Control Act controlled nothing.
It was Sunday night August 15, 1971 that
Nixon took America off what was left of the gold standard when he announced on
national TV (I was watching in Ocean City Maryland) that the Treasury would no
longer exchange $35 dollars for a troy ounce of gold, & vice versa. Forty
years later, to the day, the price of gold was $1,740 per troy
ounce. A 1971 dollar has lost 84.1% of its
purchasing power – i.e., $1 in 1971 had the same purchasing power as $6.29
In the next three years more than half of the nation’s $22
trillion outstanding debt matures. The weighted average cost of that debt is
less than 2%. If interest rates would rise, say to the still historically low
3% level, interest payments would increase $220 billion a year. Source Jason
Trennert, CEO of Strategas, writing in the WSJ.
Professor Friedman
taught that the villain is government spending that creates the debt & not
the debt itself. Inflation occurs when too much money
chases too few goods. Inflation follows when too much of the nation’s total
available resources are unproductively used by government to produce things of
no wealth creative value or as Henry Hazlitt wrote in Economics In One
Lesson – “it [is] improbable that the wealth created by government spending
will fully compensate for the wealth destroyed by the taxes imposed to pay for
that spending.” Accordingly, government spending provides the fuel that
decreases the purchasing power of a nation’s currency that ends up with families
needing more than one wage earner to make ends meet.
In short, Congress spends too much & that is the root
cause why we have so many two income households – the government takes too much
of the total resources earned by the private sector that should be available to
the private sector where it would be used more productively than it would be by
the government.
Below is a graphic that shows the rates of both general CPI inflation & medical care inflation that started in the 1960s & is the
reason why both husband & wife work today instead of one of them staying
home to raise their children.
Below is a graphic that shows the latest inflation source,
college tuition loans, starting in 1990. It has doubled the rate of inflation
of medical care & has quadrupled the rate of general CPI inflation.
And below is a graphic showing that much of a worker’s
expected wage increase over the past twenty years went to paying
employer-provided healthcare insurance.
The WSJ reports that in 1970, only half the women in the U.S.
aged 25 to 54 were in the workforce. That figure has now risen to 75%. For men
it has moved in the opposite direction, slipping from 96% to 89%. Women
currently make up 46.6% of the labor force, up from 45% in 2000. In July, the
breakdown of workers, 25 years old or older, in the labor force with a
bachelor’s degree, was 29.23 million women & 29.07 million men. This puts
2019 on track to be the first year women make up the majority of the
college-educated labor force. Source BLS.
The above statistics are not to be praised as a sign of
women's rights or some politically correct equality, liberation, or superiority
but rather as an indication of both men & women being forced to go into the
labor force to make ends meet because of the inflation resulting from government
overspending, as detailed above. Accordingly, parents have abdicated their
parenting responsibility – i.e., the way they raise their children – in order to
meet the cost of living.
Not only do many children not have the family supervision
structure they need they also find themselves separated from
worthwhile programs & activities – i.e., they are left isolated online.
Several mass shooters had suffered from being bullied. With limited family
support even their homes were not safe havens when the bullying could continue
online nonstop without a break or advice from their parents. Under these
circumstances it is easy to see how mental distress could reach a breaking point
for some people.
The recent mass shootings in El Paso & Dayton, within
thirteen hours of each other, has resulted in both politicians & the
citizenry calling for the federal government to do something – anything. What a
sad commentary to turn to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, & Donald Trump for
help for a problem that can only be solved by the parents. And of course the
two dozen Democrat presidential candidates couldn’t wait to politicize these
tragedies & demonize the NRA & Trump.
It is bad enough that the federal government makes a pretense
of trying to do something, but even then is it not asking too much that it should @ least propose something that will help? Not any of
the proposed enhanced background checks would have stopped either the El Paso or
Dayton mass shootings so they would not have been any help. Passing more
anti-gun & red flag laws will not reduce the carnage. To put it in terms a
dieter can understand – the fork does not eat the
Gun violence in Chicago & Baltimore has been infamous for
years – Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws but to no avail. Juarez,
Mexico has draconian gun laws but had 1,247 murders last year compared to El
Paso with lax gun laws & 23 homicides.
Red flag laws mostly act to take away a person’s right to keep
& bear arms, without due process of law, based on a prediction of future bad
behavior. This is illogical & shortsighted. If a person is that dangerous
what will stop them from using a knife to kill or driving a car into a
nondescript crowd that could just as easily been the target of a mass shooting?
Earlier this month a man in Southern California went on a stabbing spree when he
used a machete to kill a 7-Eleven security guard, two people @ the man’s
apartment complex, another person outside a Subway restaurant, & injured two
others before police arrested him.
People who are genuinely interested in expanding red flag laws
desire security & safety over liberty – these people have come to take their
freedoms for granted which is another dangerous slippery slope.
Establishing “gun free zones” in schools or
churches merely invites gun violence since a deranged person knows there is no
one there to stop them. Who would put a sign on their front lawn “there is no
one home with a gun so you are not in danger to trespass?”
In summary, none of the politically correct proposed anti-gun
& red flag laws would help solve the mass shootings problem that really has
been caused by our own succumbing to the Death Of Democracy principles known by our
Founders & Vladimir Lenin as well. We have lived in a world of One Nation
Under Government debauching the currency for over 50 years & the mass
shootings is just one of the signs of America’s slide. Only when we are
truthful enough to address this actuality will we have a realistic chance to
reduce, if not eliminate, the mass shootings that plague America.
Sad! Congress spends too much and the necessity of two wage makers in a family, a necessity today is
ReplyDeletediscouraging. Thank God for Trump! He has the pulse on so many areas and his determination to keep us on track
is comforting to people like me. MAGA!
Hi Doug - Just wanted to let you know that I am in full agreement with you on this. The proposed gun laws will only try to impose rules on law abiding citizens while those who intend on doing mass shootings are not going to care about following any gun laws.
ReplyDeleteI also think that the "Red Flag" laws would be going down the slippery slope!