About Me

In writing the "About Me" portion of this blog I thought about the purpose of the blog - namely, preventing the growth of Socialism & stopping the Death Of Democracy in the American Republic & returning her to the "liberty to abundance" stage of our history. One word descriptions of people's philosophies or purposes are quite often inadequate. I feel that I am "liberal" meaning that I am broad minded, independent, generous, hospitable, & magnanimous. Under these terms "liberal" is a perfectly good word that has been corrupted over the years to mean the person is a left-winger or as Mark Levin more accurately wrote in his book "Liberty & Tyranny" a "statist" - someone looking for government or state control of society. I am certainly not that & have dedicated the blog to fighting this. I believe that I find what I am when I consider whether or not I am a "conservative" & specifically when I ask what is it that I am trying to conserve? It is the libertarian principles that America was founded upon & originally followed. That is the Return To Excellence that this blog is named for & is all about.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is More Trump Than Trump

Last weekend on Huckabee on TBN the Governor's special guest was his daughter White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  Click here for part one & here for part two to see the videos of Sarah's appearance on the show – which is similar to the original Huckabee show on FNC. 
As we all know President Trump can, @ times, find fault with virtually any of his aides & members of his staff but I cannot think of a single occasion where he has even mentioned Sarah, the staff member with the greatest media exposure.  This is testimony of the excellence of Sarah's quality & character & why she is a wonderful role model for so many people especially young women.
As a regular watcher of her daily press briefings I know that her job as Press Secretary is to report the president's positions but on occasion I have heard Sarah say that she thought President Trump was a little too mild or soft - in those cases Sarah is even more Trump than the President.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Majority Of Millennials & Democrats Favor Socialism Over Capitalism

"Any institution will tend to express its own values & its own ideas.  Our public education system is a socialist institution.  A socialist institution will teach socialist values, not principles of private enterprise." - Professor Friedman writing in the Cato Policy Report, March/April 1999
On several occasions on his national radio program Neal Boortz said
that "the teachers' unions & government schools are more dangerous to America's future than al Qaeda".  Just look @ what's happening, as described below, to see how right Neal is.
click on graphic from yougov.com
to enlarge
A consistent theme of Hillsdale College's reports the past two years is
that far-Left Progressive thinking has been embraced by our youth – look @ the height of the blue lines on the above graphic.  The blue lines are too high in all 22 categories shown for a country founded on limited government, personal responsibility, & free enterprise capitalism but the graphic specifically shows that more millennials (under 30 category) prefer socialism than capitalism & Democrats are equally divided.
Gallup has just completed an up to the minute study & found that Democrats continue the slide toward socialism & are no longer equally divided but now 57% of Democrats & Democrat leaning Independents have a positive view of socialism to 47% capitalism.
  Numbers don't add to 100% because some Democrats have positive views of both capitalism & socialism – the numbers shown on the table below for 2010, 2012, & 2016 essentially match the 50-50 spilt shown on the above graph which was formulated before 2018. 
click on table to enlarge 
Hillsdale also reports that avowed Democrat Socialist Bernie Sanders won the vote of 72% of Democrat presidential primary voters age 17 to 29 which amounted to
over 13 million votes (more than Trump & Hillary combined)
by advocating a tuition-free college education, a $15 federal minimum wage, & a single payer universal government healthcare system currently called Medicare for All.  Forty-five percent
of Bernie's voters were college graduates.  Also 45% of millennials prefer to live in a socialist country rather than the U.S. – no word on any of these polls regarding when they are moving.
It appears that Bernie is positioning himself for another run for President in 2020 along with his fellow Democrat senators Kamala Harris (CA), Corey Booker (NJ), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), & Elizabeth Warren (MA) – all of whom have endorsed Bernie's Democrat-Socialist ideas & have thrown in abolishing U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) to boot.  It is hard to take these people seriously but I take them deadly seriously because they are trying to destroy America under the banner of political correctness, welfare systems,  weakness, & victimhood.  Capitalists mock them @ their own peril.
We all know by now that ten-term Congressman Joe Crowley (also Chair of the House Democrat Caucus, the 4th highest Democrat leadership position) underestimated a Bernie acolyte – 28 year old Democrat-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the June 26 NY primary.  Cortez won receiving 57.1% (15,897 votes) to Crowley's 42.5% (11,761) in the NYC district that includes the eastern Bronx & part of north-central Queens – the turnout was 12.9% meaning that Cortez received 7.4% of the registered vote & won the primary by 1.9% of that vote.  Crowley had won the district in 2016 with 83% of the vote in a much bigger turnout.
Cortez graduated cum laude in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in economics & international relations from Boston University (BU) – these are impressive academic credentials but the problem is Cortez does not speak the lingo & never worked in her field of study – she was most recently a bartender before winning the primary.  Readers of this blog who are also FairTax supporters are very familiar with the Economics Department @ BU & in particular Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff who has written many papers on the FairTax before he switched to his own creation known as the Purple Tax.  Based on Cortez's appearances on TV since winning her primary it is not clear whether or not she took any courses from Professor Kotlikoff before being awarded her degree.
In any event Cortez will be the second Democrat Socialist in Congress, after Bernie, if she wins in November.  Her opponent is Anthony Pappas, an Associate Professor of Economics @ St. John's University so the debates, if any, should be fun.  Crowley's name remains on a third-party ballot line in November's mid-term election due to an arcane NY state election law.
But Cortez has not been the only Democrat Socialist to run in the primaries.  Most notably Cortez campaigned for Abdul El-Sayed who finished second while receiving 340,560 votes (30.0%) in a three way Democrat gubernatorial primary in Michigan on August 7.  Although El-Sayed lost the primary, 340,560 votes is way too many to feel complacent.
Also, on another front & affront the Daily Caller reports "Young Democrat Socialists of America (YDSA) says it currently has 57 registered chapters on college campuses . . . up from just 15 in 2016."
Now Democrat Socialists like Bernie Sanders believe in expanded government - Bernie's plan principally calls for Medicare For All, a single payer healthcare plan costing $15 T, Social Security benefit expansion of $1.2 T, an infrastructure plan to rebuild roads, airports, & bridges for $1.0 T, tuition free public colleges & more favorable financing for $750 B, paid family & medical leave for $319 B, bolstering private pension funds for $29 B, & a youth jobs initiative creating 1-million job for disadvantaged youth for $5.5 B.  Total additional cost over 10 years is over $18 T, which as a share of the economy represents a bigger increase in government spending than FDR's New Deal or LBJ's Great society.  Although @ the time Bernie's campaign had not finalized the details of the programs or any cost estimates Warren Runnels, Bernie's campaign policy director acknowledged "Senator Sanders agenda does cost money.  If you look @ the problems out there, it's very reasonable."
Well, the programs did become better defined – in 2017 Bernie introduced the Medicare for All Act & he has 16 co-sponsors.  In July, 70 House members started the Medicare for All Caucus – this caucus is twice the size of Congressman Jim Jordan's Freedom Caucus.  Accordingly, the cost estimates increased dramatically from what is indicated above. 
Dr. Charles Blahous, public trustee for Social Security & Medicare from 2010 to 2015, has calculated that Medicare for All, as envisioned, would increase federal spending by $32.6 trillion in the first decade of the program – this assumes the implementation of the program would successfully cut all healthcare provider payments down to Medicare reimbursement rates, which are more than 40% lower than private insurer rates & even below provider's costs in many cases.  Without such cuts in provider reimbursement rates the increase in federal spending for Medicare for All would be $38 trillion during the programs first ten years according to Dr. Blahous.
Similar calculations regarding the enormity of the Medicare for All costs have been made by the Urban Institute, the Center for Health & Economy, & Emory scholar Kenneth Thorpe.  
Now we can get a good idea in microcosm of where the above problems will lead us when we look @ the current unsustainable retirement promises made to millions of public sector workers over the years; e.g., NJ's pension program is so underfunded it could run out of money in twelve years – source, Pew Charitable Trust Study.
The graphic below shows that from 2001 to 2016 employer's contributions to state & local pensions increased four fold while for the same period the funding ratio dropped from fully funded to below three quarters funded meaning that accrued liabilities increased faster than the growth of the economies in many states including NJ, IL, CT, NH, & KY.  These states, & many others, would have to raise billions of dollars more to even have a chance to adequately fund the promised pension benefits.


click on graphic to enlarge

So how did America go from originally being a country of pioneers who came to a desolate wilderness & in less than one century built not only the most prosperous country in the 6,000 years of human history but in fact the whole modern world, to one where the majority of both its youth & Democrats plus far too many in every demographic prefer a planned socialist economy that wastes time, human energy, & human life – a country where schools create oversensitive students & young adults because the schools spend far too much time comforting & coddling them instead of teaching that living is not easy or as I am wont to say "It is hell making a living in the world." 
First we all have to face heat, cold, storms, floods, & drought – all of which are deadly enemies of every human being – think Houston hurricane Harvey in 2017.   We also have to prepare ourselves to compete against every human being on the planet to earn a living.  Free enterprise capitalism best equips man to both overcome these natural obstacles & satisfy human needs to live in prosperity.
Our American ancestors looked @ man as a heroic being who lives by his own effort, achievement, & reasoning ability & accordingly does not give or receive the undeserved, who honors accomplishment, & rejects envy.  This view is being replaced by a desire for free college for all, Medicare for All, & a guaranteed living wage where a handful of elites think they know better what is good for people than those very people do for themselves.
Our forefathers either suspected, believed, or knew that the indispensible foundation of a free society is individual rights & that free enterprise capitalism is the only system that can uphold & protect individual rights.  Our forefathers were certain that men are inherently free by nature of their God-given humanity & that it was this freedom in America that created the condition in which human beings used their natural freedom to produce the energy that resulted in the highest living standard ever known on earth.  On the contrary, throughout 6,000 years of human Old World history socialism was always part of the pagan god view of man that all individuals by their nature are controlled outside themselves by some Authority of a few men & according to the plans of these men (i.e., government) – it is this belief in a false Authority over man that restricted & held mankind back for 60 centuries until the American Republic was founded.  
Free enterprise capitalism is the natural use of man's energy to get from this earth the necessities for maintaining human life via the most productive means possible – private ownership of businesses run for profit.  Socialism restricts this natural use of human energy so that people no longer create any new wealth & finally starve to death – think Venezuela.  A socialist planned economy, one in which the government owns or regulates the means of production, distribution, & exchange, ultimately destroys its own government because when men use force to try to control or regulate productive energies, they have no means of knowing real costs, & these costs automatically increase @ an increasing rate until the people can no longer pay them – think the U.S.S.R. 
America got into this capitalism–socialism predicament because of the simple reason Professor Friedman noted @ the very top of this post – government schools, i.e., socialist institutions, do not teach free enterprise capitalism, they teach the lie of the reputed benefits of socialism without ever presenting any of the reasons socialism has never worked or lasted in any country on earth.  Government schools teach socialism as a utopia fully knowing that it isn't so without ever explaining that Karl Marx regarded socialism as a transition state between the overthrow of capitalism & the realization of communism.  The entrenchment of these socialist teachings is why Neal Boortz said that the teachers' unions & government schools are more dangerous to America's future than al Qaeda.
So never being taught, or realizing, the principles of free enterprise capitalism the majority of millennials are unaware of what they are throwing away – what they are letting slip through their fingers.  But even worse - click here to find out that they don't even know what they are getting in socialism.
Reference book: The Discovery Of Freedom, Rose Wilder Lane

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Crossing The Swamp

Below is John McNaughton's latest painting entitled Crossing The Swamp.  Mr. McNaughton is an artist of world renown with previous paintings like The Forgotten Man & Respect The Flag.
click on painting to enlarge
The administration officials in the painting above are from left to right:  Nikki Haley, James Mattis, Ben Carson, President Trump, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Melania Trump, Mike Pompeo, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Ivanka Trump, John Bolton, Kellyanne Conway, & John Kelly.
Click here to hear Mr. McNaughton explain why he wants to be on that boat crossing the swamp.  I hope we all get on board. 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Why Politicians Don't Want To Solve The Social Security & Medicare Funding Problems

"Your estimated benefits are based on current law.  Congress has made changes to the law in the past and can do so at any time. The law governing benefit amounts may change because, by 2034, the payroll taxes collected will be enough to pay only about 79 percent of scheduled benefits." – from the June 2018 Social Security Statement.  A personalized Social Security statement including the up to date benefit reduction amount is mailed to everyone periodically starting @ age 25 & is also available online.
I have never met one person @ my FairTax seminars or anyone who has participated in radio programs I have been on that was aware of this benefit reduction warning – even though it has always been prominently displayed on page 1 or 2 of the aforementioned Social Security statement.


click on graphic to enlarge
The trustees annual report of Social Security & Medicare issued in June reported that for the first time since 1982 the Medicare hospital-insurance trust fund (HI) & both the Social Security trust funds for retirement (OASI) & disability (DI) will be forced to dip into their reserves this year.  These trust funds are projected to continue diminishing until they are depleted – the Medicare hospital-insurance trust fund in 2026, the Social Security retirement trust fund in 2034, & the Disability trust fund in 2032.  See graphic below.
click on graphic to enlarge
The depletion of the Medicare hospital-insurance trust fund is now projected to be three years sooner than was projected in last year's trustees report – so in the case of Medicare in one year's time we lost three years.  In the case of the Social Security retirement trust fund there was only a loss of a few months in the projected life of the trust fund since the last annual report.  Not good but much better than for Medicare.
With regard to starting to draw on the respective trust funds in 2018 Social Security moved up four years sooner than calculated in the last annual report & Medicare moved up five years sooner.  We can question the caliber of the calculations but the important point is that trust fund interest income plus both Social Security & Medicare payroll taxes are not enough to cover benefits starting this year.
As regular readers of RTE know the trust funds of both Social Security & Medicare are accounting gimmicks in that the money has been received from payroll taxes in the surplus years but Congress could not resist spending the surplus & putting IOUs in the trust funds' non-existent lock boxes.  There are no real economic assets in the trust funds whose bookkeeping balances will be recalculated as money is theoretically drawn down until it reaches zero – the point that the above mentioned 21% reduction in Social Security retirement benefits will occur for all participants regardless of age.  Medicare hospital benefit reduction is estimated to be 9% upon exhaustion of the Medicare hospital-insurance trust fund.
From the mid-1980s through 2009, Social Security took in more in tax revenue than it paid out in benefits, which allowed it to build up its trust-fund reserves.  In 2010 Social Security's expenditures began to exceed its tax income, so it began to rely on its trust funds' interest earnings, paid from the government's general fund. Source – Charles Blahous, former public trustee for Social Security & Medicare programs.
See graphic below that shows the way Medicare is financed – cost measured as percent of GDP on the graphic.  Note the increasing slopes of the curves for premiums for people on Medicare, general revenue transfers from taxpayers of all ages – young & old alike, & of course the total cost curve.  The Medicare deficit widens as shown on the top of the graphic – there is no provision under current law to finance that shortfall through general revenue transfers or any other revenue source.
click on graphic to enlarge
Now all of us who are breathing know that the demographics for the sustainability of Social Security & Medicare is terrible.  There are 10,000 baby boomers reaching the age of 65 every day between now & 2029 & the number of workers who support one Social Security retiree has dropped from 41.9 in 1945 to less than 2.9 today with projections of 1.5 in the out years.  See graphics below.
   click on graphics to enlarge
When I was in my 30s & 40s people just starting out in the business world in their 20s were fond of saying they believed more in flying saucers than they did in receiving any Social Security benefits.  Since they were new to the business world they had not paid a lot of payroll taxes so they thought they could afford to be cavalier about it & even possibly thought something would be done to improve Social Security's outlook.  But here we are today & these people have now paid payroll taxes all of their business lives & are ready to retire dependent on the Social Security & Medicare programs described above.
So with such an obvious problem that has been obvious for decades, why have our elected representatives not forged ahead to solve it?  Lawmakers have a broad list of policy options that could close or reduce the long-term financing shortfalls of both Social Security & Medicare – I have suggested the best ones repeatedly on this blog.  The sooner the problem is addressed & remedied the better – who can disagree with that?  The sooner a proper fix is implemented the more time will be available to phase in changes to give the public time to adjust & prepare.
Well, to answer the subject question, most politicians who advocate against poverty have no personal stake in eliminating poverty's cause or foresee themselves having Social Security & Medicare being the economic foundation of their existence.  In fact, statists - Democrats & RINOs - have a vested interest in keeping people in poverty or heading that way dependent on programs like Social Security & Medicare whose financial condition is only projected to deteriorate – their deceitful rhetoric gives false hope to those who have not yet realized man's natural God given condition is one of freedom, self sufficiency, & prosperity. 
The statists' aim is to make as many people as possible dependent on government – both financially through taxes & physically through universal healthcare.