Ever since 1803 activist judges have "legislated from the bench" issuing rulings based on personal or political considerations rather than on existing law thereby usurping the constitutional function of Congress under Article I of the Constitution.
More recently BO has undertaken this practice through executive orders that change legislation (e.g., "he has unilaterally revised, delayed, or reinterpreted ObamaCare no fewer than 38 times" – WSJ June 26), only partially execute legislation (drug laws), or selectively ignore legislation (immigration laws especially in AZ). In brief, in so doing BO has unilaterally waived his oath to "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States" & has also shown that he is anything but a lame duck for the next two & a half years.
To fight this assault on the Constitution's separation of powers Speaker of the House John Boehner is planning to sue BO following the Rivkin-Foley legal theory that when the president usurps core legislative powers that Congress as an institution does have standing to bring suit to remedy the offense.
One of the basic mindset changes that is needed in America today concerns the Supreme Court – namely that it is not superior to the two elected branches but rather is supreme only over the Judicial Branch. The other two branches are their equal and if anything the elected branches are higher in times of tension between the branches.
With this backdrop below is my letter that was published today in the WSJ that addresses this issue.
Dear Editor,
I am afraid that the Journal is preparing for another slide down the same slippery slope with the same people as we did in 2012 by recommending that Congress sue President Obama for "unilaterally waiving his duty to faithfully execute statutes" (The Standing to Sue Obama – June 16).
I cringe every time I hear of one of the two elected branches turning to the judicial branch for resolution of some problem that should be handled through "the court of public opinion" known as elections.
Just like in this current legal theory regarding Congress's standing to sue, David Rivkin was the "legal innovator behind the challenge to ObamaCare's individual mandate" in 2012.
The problem is that in deciding the ObamaCare case the Court not only upheld the ObamaCare law but in so doing set a very dangerous legal precedent concerning Congress's power to tax. Since we are dealing now with exactly the same people as two years ago the chances of another manipulated disastrous decision is very real.
You say that "short of impeachment, there is no way for Congress to defend its rights." The power of the people is superior to that of any of the branches and if an elected official is way out of line such conduct can be remedied in the next election.
But if the conduct is so egregious that it requires immediate attention the Constitution says impeachment can be done for "high Crimes & Misdemeanors." I don't know of a higher crime than the President forsaking his oath "to the best of (his) Ability, (to) preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States" which includes enforcing & faithfully executing all of the statutes that he signed into law.