As I said yesterday, I'm not as optimistic that the Obama administration "blew it" enough to overturn the individual mandate. We have four liberal Justices who won't give one ounce of consideration to the Constitution here. All it takes is one of the other five Justices to believe that congress is acting within its authority … and the game is over.
What, though, if the Court does rule the individual mandate to be unconstitutional, but allows the rest of the law to stand? I don't believe Democrats will be all that upset with this outcome. If the rest of the bill is allowed to stand there are plenty of weapons the Democrats and Kathleen Sibelius can use to run the private insurance companies out of business. That, after all, is and has been a primary goal of the left. Once the health insurance companies are destroyed it will be time for their coveted "single payer." That single payer is, of course, the government out on top.
The individual mandate seems to be in trouble. When some favored Obama initiative is in trouble you don't withdraw it or modify it … you rebrand it. You go to the focus groups and test some new wording to see what will work with the dumb masses. The focus groups have made it clear that they can't really cuddle up to the world "mandate." Another word is needed. So now, at least according to ObamaLand, the "individual mandate" has become the "personal responsibility clause." Here's a quote from an Obama propagandist: "The administration remains confident that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional; one of the reasons for that is that the original personal responsibility clause…was a conservative idea." Now I have to admit .. this is brilliant. If .. and it's a big "IF" .. the Court invalidates the mandate our Dear Ruler can tell the world that the Supreme Court has ruled against the "personal responsibility clause" of ObamaCare. And … well … since personal responsibility has not been ruled unconstitutional, the government is simply going to have to step in!
H R 525 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY 8-Mar-2011 7:01 PM
QUESTION: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass
BILL TITLE: Veterinary Public Health Amendments Act of 2011
Yeas | Nays | PRES | NV | |
Republican | 95 | 138 | 7 | |
Democratic | 185 | 7 | ||
Independent | ||||
TOTALS | 280 | 138 | 14 |
Ackerman Aderholt Akin Alexander Altmire Andrews Austria Baca Baldwin Barletta Barrow Bartlett Barton (TX) Bass (CA) Bass (NH) Becerra Berg Berkley Berman Biggert Bilbray Bishop (GA) Bishop (NY) Bishop (UT) Blumenauer Boren Boswell Brady (PA) Braley (IA) Brown (FL) Bucshon Burgess Butterfield Calvert Capito Capps Capuano Cardoza Carnahan Carney Carson (IN) Cassidy Castor (FL) Chabot Chandler Chu Cicilline Clarke (MI) Clarke (NY) Clay Cleaver Clyburn Coble Cohen Cole Connolly (VA) Conyers Cooper Costa Costello Courtney Cravaack Crawford Critz Crowley Cuellar Cummings Davis (IL) DeFazio DeGette DeLauro Dent Deutch Diaz-Balart Dicks Dingell Doggett Dold Donnelly (IN) Doyle Edwards Ellison Emerson Engel Eshoo Farr Fattah Filner Fitzpatrick Forbes Fortenberry Frank (MA) Frelinghuysen Fudge | Garamendi Gardner Gerlach Gingrey (GA) Gonzalez Goodlatte Green, Al Green, Gene Griffin (AR) Griffith (VA) Grijalva Grimm Guthrie Gutierrez Hall Hanabusa Harper Harris Hartzler Hastings (FL) Heck Heinrich Higgins Himes Hinchey Hinojosa Hirono Holden Holt Honda Hoyer Inslee Jackson (IL) Jackson Lee (TX) Jenkins Johnson (GA) Johnson (IL) Johnson, E. B. Jones Kaptur Keating Kelly Kildee Kind King (NY) Kissell Kucinich Lance Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Latham LaTourette Lee (CA) Levin Lewis (CA) Lewis (GA) LoBiondo Loebsack Lofgren, Zoe Lowey Lucas Luetkemeyer Luján Lummis Lynch Maloney Marino Matheson Matsui McCarthy (NY) McCollum McDermott McGovern McIntyre McKeon McKinley McNerney Meehan Meeks Michaud Miller (NC) Miller, George Moore Moran Murphy (CT) Murphy (PA) Nadler Napolitano Neal Noem Nunnelee Olver Owens | Palazzo Pallone Pascrell Pastor (AZ) Payne Perlmutter Peters Peterson Petri Pingree (ME) Pitts Platts Polis Pompeo Price (GA) Price (NC) Quigley Rahall Rangel Reyes Richardson Richmond Rigell Rivera Roe (TN) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Ros-Lehtinen Ross (AR) Rothman (NJ) Roybal-Allard Runyan Ruppersberger Rush Ryan (OH) Sánchez, Linda T. Sanchez, Loretta Sarbanes Schakowsky Schiff Schilling Schrader Schwartz Scott (VA) Scott, David Serrano Sewell Sherman Shimkus Shuler Sires Slaughter Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Smith (WA) Speier Stark Stivers Sullivan Sutton Terry Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Thompson (PA) Tierney Tipton Tonko Towns Tsongas Upton Van Hollen Velázquez Visclosky Walberg Walden Walz (MN) Wasserman Schultz Watt Waxman Weiner Welch Whitfield Wilson (FL) Wittman Womack Woolsey Wu Yarmuth Young (AK) Young (FL) |
Davis (CA) Giffords Graves (MO) Hanna Israel | Lipinski Markey Nunes Pelosi Rehberg | Reichert Scott (SC) Simpson Waters |
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