About Me

In writing the "About Me" portion of this blog I thought about the purpose of the blog - namely, preventing the growth of Socialism & stopping the Death Of Democracy in the American Republic & returning her to the "liberty to abundance" stage of our history. One word descriptions of people's philosophies or purposes are quite often inadequate. I feel that I am "liberal" meaning that I am broad minded, independent, generous, hospitable, & magnanimous. Under these terms "liberal" is a perfectly good word that has been corrupted over the years to mean the person is a left-winger or as Mark Levin more accurately wrote in his book "Liberty & Tyranny" a "statist" - someone looking for government or state control of society. I am certainly not that & have dedicated the blog to fighting this. I believe that I find what I am when I consider whether or not I am a "conservative" & specifically when I ask what is it that I am trying to conserve? It is the libertarian principles that America was founded upon & originally followed. That is the Return To Excellence that this blog is named for & is all about.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Herman Cain & The Old Marine Revisited

At last night's FairTax strategy meeting in NJ Herman Cain, & especially his recent debate winning performance, received much attention & discussion. I reminded several people in attendance of the very popular posting on ReturnToExcellence.net on July 3, 2010 where an old marine spontaneously sang the fourth verse of the National Anthem. Many did not notice then that the song was sung @ a Herman Cain Tea Party meeting. I repeat below the original posting & hope that everyone will do their own study re Mr. Cain - when you are convinced he is for real back him with all of your might. I know that Carol & I are.

---Original Message - An Old Marine - July 3, 2010---

Thanks to a subscriber to ReturnToExcellence.net for sending us this link to a video of a Tea Party meeting with the great Herman Cain taking a question from a man who refers to himself as a former Marine. The result is inspirational as all of Mr. Cain's events are. In this case it brings in the fourth verse of the National Anthem.

The Marine made a mistake though in referring to himself as a former Marine - I have never met a former Marine or an ex-Marine. I have met old Marines.


  1. Thanks for the tip on Herman Cain....I didn't know that the 4th verse was sung at a Herman Cain Tea Party mtg. Nice to see the words printed out in order to absorb their meaning. Also, I think Herman Cain did an outstanding job explaining the Fair Tax in a video I saw recently....no doubt what you are referring to as his"recent debate winning performance."

  2. That was wonderful, I posted the link to my face book page.
