A NJ Non-Profit Corp.
Labor Day Rally
September 6, 2010
11:00 Pledge of Allegiance Heather Hudson
National Anthem
11:05 Invocation Andrew Paton
11:10 Welcome Richard T. Luzzi
11:20 Sherwood Marlow Lifetime NRA-ILA member & Korean War special services veteran.
11:35 Robert Bonelli Wall Street Veteran and author of "Liberty Rising".
11:50 Doug
12:05 Sheriff Richard Mack Patriot & author of "The County Sheriff:
12:30 Ron Peri American Entrepreneur
12:45 Peter Ferrara Obamanomics
1:00 Closing
Looks like it will be a great rally...hope you have a big turn out, and that you get lots of support for the FairTax!