Saturday, May 29, 2010
Notification To Subscribers To Return To Excellence
Friday, May 28, 2010
Who Is Qualified To Lead Oil Leak Control & Cleanup - BP or BO?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Had Enough?
Below is a piece written by congressional candidate Dave Corsi re some shabby treatment he received from the Republican machine in NJ's 12th district. Dave's run for Congress started @ a FairTax meeting held around a kitchen table in south Jersey one Saturday afternoon in September 2007 that Carol & I were honored to attend. Dave is running his campaign around the words "Had Enough?"
Please check out Lon Hosford in the 7th district and Anna Little in the 6th distrcit. If you do not vote in these districts please spread the word about these candidates to people who do. Dave, Lon, & Anna are the type of people we need in Congress - which is exactly why the machines of both major parties are doing everything they can to discourage them as indicated in the message from Dave below.
Had Enough?
The Marlboro Republican Club had scheduled an event for the Republican Congressional Candidates in the 12th and 6th Districts. In March I was invited to address the group. On Sunday I was "uninvited" as the Marlboro Republican Club "leaders" decided only to allow the "party line" candidate to speak.
After a great idea from Charles Measley we decided to show up and hand out flyers.
In the meantime the "leaders" apparently were not happy about our being there and called the police saying we were "causing a disturbance."
The police officers who responded were terrific and determined we were doing nothing wrong.
The thing that bothered me was the initial response officer, upon receiving the call that there was a "ruckus going on," rushed to the scene and almost had an accident. That officer could have been injured just because someone inside the building did not like the fact that we were outside handing out flyers and telling folks to have a nice evening.
An interesting note was that some of the attendees going inside were not happy that I was being excluded (a good sign for us).
All in all, Charles and I thought there were approximately 30 people who attended the event.
We are 2 weeks from Primary Day, we are at "crunch time". These next 2 weeks will tell the story. If we work together, putting up signs, canvassing neighborhoods and talking to family and friends on June 8th we will make history.
Dave Corsi
Candidate for Congress - NJ 12th District
Po Box 296
Oceanport, NJ 07757
732-923-1410 Office
732-413-8622 Fax
Vote For Dave in The Republican Primary Tuesday June 8th!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
To Boast Of Excellence Is Easy - To Guarantee It Is Extraordinary
Burns still has a chance in November in that 45,777 people voted in the Republican primary in PA-12, choosing Burns to run again in November & 82,695 people voted in the Democrat primary, choosing Critz. But in the special election that Critz won, Critz won 71,684 votes and Burns won 59,476 votes meaning that Burns won, and Critz lost, around 17 percent of Democrat votes.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Post-Mortem Examination Of PA's 12th Congressional District Race
The argument in favor of putting resources into this race was that AFFT was defending the FairTax, not Burns. The push-back ads do send a signal to other candidates in other races that FairTax will hit back if attacked. The other argument, of course, is that resources should go to candidates who will defend the FairTax on their own. We definitely need top notch candidates who are well versed in the FairTax but there is something to be said for the other point of working in tandem with the strong educated FairTax supporting candidate - & that is what we intend to do.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Jon Voight's Open Letter To America
"Rules For Radicals" begins - "What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be" & goes on to say it "is written for the have-nots on how to take it (power) away."
Very succinctly put isn't it - just exactly what has been going on since January 20, 2009.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Response - The Education-Jobless Rate Relationship
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Education-Jobless Rate Relationship
Staying in school of course puts off the inevitable search for a good job that the young person is still unqualified for after leaving school after building up student loans as grade inflation & the dummying down of higher education proliferates in our universities & colleges. For example, only 40% of community college students complete their programs - many high school graduates arrive @ community colleges ill-prepared for their course work & about 60% of these students take remedial courses which rightfully offer no credit toward a degree.
The percentage of eighth graders who read @ fourth grade levels continues to be astounding.
Meanwhile the 2009 high school graduates who didn't go on to college faced a 35% unemployment rate. The jobless rate of high school drop outs was 55%. What economists call the "youth unemployment rate" - those workers under 25 - is around 20%. Compare these figures with the current official 9.9% jobless rate & the 17.1% underemployment rate that includes those working part time who want full time work plus discouraged workers who have dropped out of the labor force.
The American Council Of Trustees & Alumni (ACTA) has done a tremendous job of helping students & parents analyze schools with their website Just click on to see what colleges are teaching. For instance only four schools in America require their students to take an economics course - you will be very surprised to learn who they are (& who they aren't). ACTA is expanding the list of schools reviewed from 125 to 600 by the time school starts this fall.
Carol & I are as deep into higher education as you can get so if you have a child or grandchild going to college in the next year or two please let us know. We will give you the benefit of what we have learned over the last decade. To us the objective of higher education is to prepare the student to be able to get a good job to support themselves after graduation & contribute to increasing the standard of living for people in our country.
Here is the transcript of the startling exchange I had with a member of the Chamber of Commerce @ the ACTA conference @ Mt. Vernon in October, 2007:
Chamber - "our 3,000 Chambers tell us they are unable to get educated and skilled workers, going from the entry level jobs to the kind of people who go to work for Microsoft, Intel and Cisco . The skills are simply not there because our education system from K to K 12 and post secondary are not doing the job and that includes our Colleges and Universities."
Doug - "you said early on that employers say that skills are not there. What skills are you talking about and in particular are there engineering skills that are not there?
Chamber - "Absolutely. There are skills all along the spectrum and let me give you two examples. We have created a career and technical group, for example, the head of the air conditioning installers -- home air conditioning installers comes in to see me, he's in association part of the Chamber, they cannot get air conditioning installers which requires some knowledge of math and reading and dealing with customers, generally a Community College certificate is required, starting salary is $60,000 a year, no candidates, or virtually no candidates. Why do we have a shortage -- why do we have all of these foreign-born individuals now working for Microsoft & Intel? There is a tremendous shortage at the high end of the scale for computer engineers & scientists. Fifty percent of the Ph.D.s issued in this country in physics, math, & computer science go to individuals on temporary Visas. The issue for the Intels, Ciscos, & Microsofts of the world is to increase the number of what's known as H1B Visas -highly-skilled foreigners, because the U.S. is not producing them. And it's a huge competitiveness issue. Intel, and this is the example I often use, has just announced a one billion dollar R&D facility in Israel It is not because it's cheaper in Israel and it is not because it's safer in Israel, it's because there are people who can actually do the work there and they are not available here in the United States."
With the above as a backdrop please realize that today one in five men 25 to 54 isn't working & the prospects are not bright because the jobs we have lost to China & India are not coming back. We are also getting use to this life of leisure as the unemployed in America spend 40 minutes a day looking for work & 3 hours & 20 minutes watching TV. We are getting more slothful as the destructive ways of socialism & government dependence increases - until it collapses of course.
Thanks to a member of our group who sent us the following video showing exactly how high the stakes are for America. Our country needs to be unshackled from the yoke of government interfering with entrepreneurs investing & starting businesses that will bring jobs back to America. BO knows this so he keeps playing on populist impulses - the more government interference has caused problems the more he tells people they need another government program as the solution only this time bigger than the one before. And the people educated in government schools fall for it.
The entire problem of both our decreasing livelihoods & standard of living can be understood by thinking about eighth graders reading @ fourth grade levels as mentioned above. I join Mark Nadler who writes - "what shocks me is how a student got to the eighth grade reading @ a fourth grade level."
Saturday, May 8, 2010
People Of Substance - In Greece & America
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Argentina Then - The Poverty Level In America Now
As the interest on the national debt & the unfunded entitlement mandates of the retiring 10,000 per day baby boomers overwhelmes our economic system just look @ the comparisons in the slide show of Argentina in the 1900s to America today & more importantly look @ where Argentina is today & you can project America's future on the road we are going down.
Most people always have trouble making ends meet but I have found over the past year that people are just plain out of money to spend on anything other than their normal paycheck to paycheck costs to maintain their current modest standard of living. Now add in the costs of Cap & Trade & a VAT & the majority of people will be left with a disposable income that will be @ or near the poverty level - & it is all by BO's design as plain as the nose on your face.
The April 30 piece referenced above asked "isn't shorting America's treasury securities even a more obvious bet now than shorting housing was a few years ago?" The WSJ ran a front page story today documenting the participation of members of Congress who did exactly that in 2008.