This post links the 22% to 31% of 8th graders from 1992 to 2022 who could not read @ a basic level with the shortages of qualified people we have today - from doctors to policemen to air traffic controllers. The post shows how these 8th graders in 1992 are now 46 years old & do not contribute meaningfully to society - & what's worse, their lives are not fulfilling. Just like in the 8th grade reading test the same percentage of people fail an adult survey entitled Do Adults Have The Skills They Need To Thrive In A Changing World? while the gap between the highest & lowest performing adults widened in the last ten years as technology & automation left more poorly prepared people behind.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Eighth Grade Reading Failure Carries Over Into Adulthood
Even before the enactment of ObamaCare there was a looming shortage of doctors forecast in America. The Association of American Medical Colleges projects a primary care shortage within the next decade of up to 55,000 doctors & up to 124,000 physicians derived from an estimated 268,000 retirements & possibly only 15,000 new doctors coming in each year. With the cuts in doctors' fees in many hospitals & medical insurance programs along with the persistent threat of universal healthcare's price controls & rationing in the proposed Medicare For All entitlement it is no wonder that people would choose to become a warehouse manager rather than a brain surgeon.
More recently the shortage extended to pharmacists, accountants, & policemen.
According to the Pharmacy College Application Service the number of pharmacy-school applicants dropped by more than a third from its peak a decade ago resulting in pharmacies reducing hours or even closing stores on weekends because of staff shortages.
The shortage of accountants is forcing small & mid sized firms to hire overseas accountants even when the U.S. income tax filing season gets in full swing - which we are just about in now. Imagine what this says - foreigners in Bengaluru, India or South Africa know how to complete an American income tax return but Americans don't.
The accounting profession was hurt starting with a 9% decline in U.S. students who received a bachelor's degree in accounting (57,500 degrees in 2012 to 52,500 degrees in 2019) with the downward trend continuing. As I expected to find in researching this post, fewer people are sitting for the four part CPA examination. Evidently working the fields in the hot Arizona sun is not the only job Americans won't or can't do.
You don't have to check further than your local news to learn of the shortage of policemen. For instance Chicago is losing two officers for each one it graduates from the police academy & San Jose has seen a two thirds drop in applications to the police force over recent years. Twenty years ago the NYPD had 20 applicants for every open position - today there is a 1,700 policeman shortage resulting from the defunding of police movement & a general demoralizing mindset of putting the criminal as a first priority & the victim last or not @ all. This type of recruitment problem & shortage extends to the border patrol, military, & the national police force - the FBI.
And just within the last few months the shortage of male public school teachers has taken its place on center stage as principals struggle to find qualified applicants with teaching credentials. The share of the number of male public school teachers has dropped from a third to under a quarter in the last 50 years thereby depriving many young boys of a male figure of authority @ home & in school.
In this regard on January 29 the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) issued The Nation's Report Card 2025 which highlighted continuing declines in reading scores for both 4th & 8th graders. Math scores showed a slight decline for 8th graders & a slight uptick for 4th graders.
Tennessee is trying to improve this situation by passing a law that students be held back in third grade if they don't meet certain benchmarks - apparently acknowledging my premise for @ least the last two decades: "How do you get to the 9th grade if you are only reading @ a third grade level?"
And now the one I have dreaded the most - the test scores of the 40,000 candidates who took the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam declined about 10% during the pandemic meaning these people don't qualify to sit for the Professional Engineering exam which must be passed in order to become a licensed professional engineer. The result is a shortage of engineers & a lower level of competency among those who passed (with the lower scores). Civil structural engineers, who failed to answer questions about the use of trusses in construction of bridges & roadways, had the highest first attempt fail rate of all the disciplines @ 35% - the other major engineering disciplines (chemical, electrical, & mechanical) ranged between 25% to 30% first attempt fail rate.
And of course the mid air collision on January 29 highlighted once again that there is a significant shortage of air traffic controllers in the U.S. The FAA attributes the cause of the shortage to a rigorous training process, mandatory retirement age (set by Congress in 1972 @ 56 years old), & difficulty in attracting qualified candidates under 31 years old. At the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City the attrition rate can reach 40 to 50%.
To summarize the miserable trend portrayed above, our education system has produced a society that has declined in medical safety & service (shortage of doctors & pharmacists) as well as physical safety (shortage of policemen, border patrol agents, military recruits, & air traffic controllers). The lack of qualified accountants & CPAs will result in erroneous business reports that will swallow up investments & pension assets - e.g., Macy's experienced a $151 million of false bookkeeping entries & coverup by a lone employee that went undetected by its auditor KPMG for over three years thereby raising questions about the competency of the auditors as investors' losses mounted. Businesses will not be able to expand @ their desired rate because there are not enough qualified engineers to design, engineer, construct, & support such expansions & increases in productivity - the critical factor for economic growth & increasing our standard of living & prosperity.
For an explanation of how this happened please refer to the following graphic which was made from data from The Nation's Report Card 2025 mentioned above. The blue line shows the % of 8th graders who could read @ the basic or above level from 1992 to 2022. The red line shows that the share of 8th graders reading @ the basic or better level has dropped back to the same share as 1994 & only 1 percentage point higher than it was in 1992.
The NAEP basic level denotes partial mastery of prerequisite knowledge & skills that are fundamental for performance @ the NAEP proficient level (i.e., being able to read so that you can function in the world). In 2022, the percentage of 8th grade public school students performing at or above the NAEP Proficient level in reading was 29 percent nationally, with 10 states having a lower percentage of proficient 8th grade readers than the national level: AK & KS - both @ 26%; DE @ 24%; TX @ 23%; MS, AL, WV, & DC - all @ 22%; OK @ 21%; & NM @ 18%.
click on graphic to enlarge
The reading statistics for 8th graders are important because people who are not good readers by the 8th grade most likely never will be - being disinclined to read as an adult thereby limiting their life's potential.
But most importantly, the graphic underlies the connection between people who were once 8th graders & now are adults - someone in the 8th grade in 1992 is now 46 years old. The area above the blue line curve means that the 22% to 31% of the 8th graders from 1992 to 2022 who could not read above a basic level are now adults 46 to 18 years old who probably still don't read @ a basic level. This adds up to tens of millions of people.
I highlight this connection between the results for 8th graders, who were poor readers when they were 13, & adults who struggle to make a living. On December 10 the OECD released the results of their latest study entitled Survey of Adult Skills 2023: Do Adults Have The Skills They Need To Thrive In A Changing World?. Thirty-one countries participated. Click here to see the results for the United States. The results for the other thirty countries are on the first link.
The survey is "a product of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). (It) provides a comprehensive overview of adults' literacy, numeracy, and adaptive problem solving skills – skills that are fundamental for personal, economic, and societal development."
In summary the United States is below the OECD average in literacy, numeracy, & adaptive problem solving with the biggest difference being in numeracy - see Figure 1 of the United States report.
The survey found that 28% of adults scored @ Level 1 or below, meaning they have low literacy proficiency - right in line with the 22% to 31% of 8th graders (now adults taking the OECD survey) who couldn't read @ a basic level between 1992 & 2022.
The survey for the U.S. report states that "at Level 1, they can understand short texts and organized lists when information is clearly indicated, find specific information and identify relevant links. Those below Level 1 can at most understand short, simple sentences. At the other end of the spectrum, 13% of adults (OECD average: 12%) scored at Levels 4 or 5 in literacy and are high performers. These adults can comprehend and evaluate long, dense texts across several pages, grasp complex or hidden meanings, and use prior knowledge to understand texts and complete tasks."
The survey found "In the United States, average results in 2022-23 went down compared to 2012/15 in literacy and numeracy. In both literacy and numeracy, the share of low-performing adults (scoring at Level 1 or below) increased. Meanwhile, the share of high-performing adults (scoring at Levels 4 or 5) remained stable (Figure 4 of the U.S. report). In both domains, therefore, trends were more negative at the lower end of the distribution, and the gap between the highest- and lowest-performing adults widened between 2012/15 and 2022-23."
The OECD adult study & others have shown that adults who were poor readers in the 8th grade experienced more bouts of unemployment, overall low or poor wages, frequent enrollment in the food stamps program, higher disability payments, higher rates of single parenthood & child poverty, elevated mortality & a low level of individual well-being & civic engagement. These adults are generally thought of as less trustworthy, less likely to vote, & more likely to not be in excellent health.
About a quarter of the U.S. population is enrolled in Medicaid & about half that many are on food stamps. Enrollees in both of these welfare programs are likely to be poor readers.
Now if you graduated from high school & can't read, & are smart enough to know that you can't read, teach yourself or find someone who can teach you.
If you graduated from high school & can't read & don't do anything about it your life will most likely be one of difficulty, hardship, & more than your fair share of unhappiness - or even worse.
In short, anyone who can't read will never develop their full human potential. They will never realize that they make out of life what they strive for & therefore have not only cheated themselves out of an enhanced future but society out of a contributing member capable of filling the types of jobs described herein whose shortages plague the country more & more every day.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
ACTA Report Provides A Civic Literacy Assessment Of College Students
"An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free nation." - A quote often attributed to Thomas Jefferson. Although there is no evidence in his writings that he ever made the statement it is an accurate reflection of Jefferson's views on the importance of education & is a principal reason he founded the University of Virginia.
What Jefferson did say was "Whenever the people are well informed, they may be trusted with their own government." In this regard Jefferson focused on literacy, arithmetic, history, & civics - the study of the civil & political rights & obligations of citizens in a society.
During this past summer of 2024 the American Council of Trustees & Alumni (ACTA) surveyed over 3,000 college students & found that far too many college graduates have little or no understanding of their own system of government. You don't need Jefferson's wisdom to see this finding illustrates one of the common sense types of problems Benjamin Franklin was talking about when he answered Elizabeth Powell's question about what sort of government the delegates of the Constitutional Conventionhad created - "A republic, madam, if you can keep it."
The ACTA survey report entitled Losing America's Memory 2.0 - A Civic Literacy Assessment Of College Students verified the findings of other posts over the years that show the poor state of American university students' civic literacy - not to mention the other basic subjects Jefferson highlighted above. Several of these previous posts include man on the street interviews with Jay Leno & Mark Dice. Click here to watch Mark in some of these past posts convince people to sign a petition to support a national illiteracy program in the schools & here to watch Mark convince people to sign a petition to repeal the Bill Of Rights where he tells the petition signers "Obama is doing everything he can to repeal the Bill Of Rights & we're just showing the citizenry is right behind him."
Now these interviews are from over a dozen years ago & the above ACTA report from July 8, 2024 doesn't show progress. Consider some of the results I selected from the above report:
Q1. Who is the current President of the Senate?
14% Mitch McConnell
10% Charles Schumer
27% Kamala Harris
28% Joe Biden
20% Not sure
Q8. Which branch of the government has the power to declare war?
48% The Executive
32% The Legislative
3% The Pentagon
5% The Judicial
11% Not sure
Q11. Which government action freed all slaves in the United States?
56% The Emancipation Proclamation
2% The Declaration of Independence
9% The Civil Rights Act of 1866
28% The 13th Amendment
6% Not sure
Q18. Article I of the U.S. Constitution describes the powers of which branch of government?
22% The Executive
36% The Legislative
8% The Judicial
35 The Bureaucracy
32% Not sure
Q20. In what year was the U.S. Constitution written?
51% 1776
32% 1787
12% 1789
5% 1812
Q28. How many justices must be on the Supreme Court, according to the Constitution?
11% Seven
33% Nine
12% Twelve
25% The Constitution does not specify a number
19% Not sure
Q13. To whom is Jay-Z married?
1% Taylor Swift
75% Beyonce
6% Rihanna
1% Miley Cyrus
17% Not sure
Paying tens of thousands of dollars for a college education with graduates having no better idea of the governance of the world they are about to enter does not make sense @ any level. It is best to understand what students are expected to learn before going away to college. In this regard ACTA prepares annual evaluations of over 1,100 colleges & universities exclusively for this purpose & I share these with the readership. Let me know if you need help in this regard.
But a large amount of this material should really be learned in grades 6 through 12. This brings it right down to the parents getting involved & doing something about it if it's important to them if their child only knows the answer to Q13 above.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
We're Still On The Knife's Edge
In each of the last three presidential elections three states decided the winner in the electoral college - & by small margins. By this I mean that if the losing party had been able to overcome the small vote margins he or she lost by in the three critical states the decision would have changed in all three of the last presidential elections. See tabulation below. Source: Federal Elections Commision, The Cook Political Report, & BBC.
Vote | Margin | ||||||||||
Year | WI | PA | MI | AZ | GA | Vote Margin 3 StatesTotal | 3 StatesTotal Votes Cast | % Of 3 States Votes Cast | Total Popular Votes Cast | % of Total Votes Cast | Winner |
2024 | 29,397 | 120,266 | 80,103 | NA | NA | 229,766 | 16,122,119 | 1.43 | 155,211,283 | 0.15 | Trump |
2020 | 20,682 | NA | NA | 10,457 | 11,779 | 42,918 | 11,685,327 | 0.37 | 158,429,631 | 0.03 | Biden |
2016 | 22,748 | 44,292 | 10,704 | NA | NA | 77,744 | 13,940,912 | 0.56 | 136,669,276 | 0.05 | Trump |
For instance, in 2020, the closest of the last three presidential elections, Biden had a 42,918 vote victory, 0.03% of the total popular vote & 0.37% of the votes cast in the three states that decided the election - WI, AZ, & GA. The electoral college victory was 306 to 242. Had Trump earned more votes than the infinitesimal amounts he lost by in those three states he would have won reelection. Yet Biden claimed he had a mandate & wanted to be compared to FDR who won the 1936 electoral college 523 to 8 with a popular vote margin of over 11 million votes when the population of the country was way less than half of what it is today. To see the fragility of the last three elections & the importance of the three deciding states in these elections see the tabulation below.
Year | WI | PA | MI | AZ | GA | 3 State Total | Original Electoral College Margin | Electoral College 3 State Reversal | New Winner |
2024 | |||||||||
Electoral Votes | 10 | 19 | 15 | NA | NA | 44 | 312 to 226 | 270 to 268 | Harris |
% Margin of Victory | 0.87 | 1.73 | 1.44 | NA | NA | ||||
2020 | |||||||||
Electoral Votes | 10 | NA | NA | 11 | 16 | 37 | 306 to 232 | 269 to 269 | Tie |
% Margin of Victory | 0.64 | NA | NA | 0.31 | 0.24 | ||||
2016 | |||||||||
Electoral Votes | 10 | 19 | 16 | NA | NA | 45 | 304 to 227 | 259 to 272 | Hillary |
% Margin of Victory | 0.82 | 0.75 | 0.24 | NA | NA |
Wow - that is whisker close by anyone's measure.
But there were more favorable trends for Trump in 2024 than his other two runs for the presidency. Not only did he win the electoral college vote by the familiar three state tally we have become use to, 312 to 226, Trump had a 1.47% popular vote plurality (49.80% to 48.33%) receiving 77,301,997 votes nationwide to Harris's 75,017,626 with 2,891,660 votes going to third party candidates - a 2,284,371 popular vote margin. See tabulation below for other positive trends.
Trump % Of Vote | |||||||||
Trump Margin Less CA & NY | Trump Margin TX Over CA | NJ | NY | CA | IL | TX | AZ | FL | |
2024 | 6,519,149 | 311,900 | 45.9 | 43.9 | 38.3 | 43.8 | 56.2 | 52.2 | 56.1 |
2020 | 36,733 | -116,221 | 41.4 | 37.7 | 34.3 | 40.6 | 52.1 | 49.1 | 51.2 |
2016 | 3,137,877 | 201,233 | 41.4 | 36.8 | 31.9 | 38.9 | 52.5 | 49.0 | 49.0 |
The above tabulation shows that after subtracting the huge Democrat margins in California & New York that Trump had a popular vote advantage of more than twice that of 2016 by this measure. After receiving more votes in California than in Texas in 2020 Trump once again received more votes in Texas than in California in 2024 while receiving a higher percentage of the votes in both states. Although still far from actually winning the states' electoral votes Trump also has a positive trend in New Jersey, New York, & Illinois while Arizona & Florida solidified.
The tabulation below shows Trump's increased voter share of selected demographic categories from 2020 to 2024. Source: AP VoteCast conducted by NORC @ the University of Chicago.
Trump Vote Share | |||||||||
White Men | White Women | White Overall | Black Men | Black Women | Black Overall | Latino Men | Latino Women | Latino Overall | |
2024 | 60 | 53 | 56 | 25 | 10 | 16 | 48 | 39 | 43 |
2020 | 58 | 52 | 55 | 12 | 6 | 8 | 38 | 32 | 35 |
18-29 | 30-34 | 45-64 | 65+ | Urban | Suburb | Rural | Suburb Men | Suburb Women | |
2024 | 47 | 47 | 52 | 51 | 35 | 47 | 63 | 52 | 42 |
2020 | 36 | 43 | 51 | 51 | 33 | 44 | 60 | 48 | 40 |
Men 18-44 | Women 18-44 | Men 45+ | Women 45+ | college degree | no coll degree | ||||
2024 | 53 | 44 | 57 | 48 | 43 | 56 | |||
2020 | 45 | 37 | 55 | 47 | 41 | 51 |
The above statistics show that Trump & Republicans (& hopefully future Republicans) increased their share of the vote in many demographic categories & in many states. The statistics also show that like the previous two presidential elections, the GOP should not rest on their laurels because all of this progress could reverse if Trump does not deliver. The Trump vote was 84% white, 3% black, 8% Latino, & 4% another race.
We were told by many nervous conservative pundits that the election of 2024 was the most important election of our lifetime & yet the turnout dropped by 3,218,348 votes from the 2020 election. Both the voting-eligible population & voting-age population turnout rates declined in 2024 from those of 2020 as follows: VEP 66.6% to 63.9% & VAP 62.8% to 59.0%.
Most of the turnout decline can be attributed to California (-1,635,905 votes or down 9.3%), New York (-354,366 votes or down 4.1%), & Illinois (-400,434 votes or down 6.6%) meaning that Harris was so inept & uninspiring that she could not hold much of her stronghold base.
Trump's terrible opponent in 2024 was put in place four years earlier when South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn's support in the 2020 primaries vaulted Biden(Harris) to the top of the Democrat ticket. Since both Biden & Harris were incompetent it was destined to fail - but as the first tabulation above shows not by much. The most alarming point is that even with the Biden/Harris deliberate anti-American record they came as close as they did to winning. We're still on the knife's edge.
The three most important issues to the electorate were the economy (39%), immigration (20%), & abortion (11%). The electorate saw that Harris had nothing to talk about except abortion & that she wasn't Trump. The electorate perceived that Trump would be stronger on the economy & immigration & was willing to overlook or dismiss Trump's January 6, 2021 betrayal of his constitutional oath where he asked Pence to throw the election his way.
But Biden/Harris brought the country to such new lows that America has more fundamental bedrock problems for Trump to work on than a new tax bill, or issues like healthcare reform, climate change, the national debt, the budget deficit, or even adequate national defense.
We have to reestablish that we are a sovereign country & are not fools for the rest of the world to abuse, where millions of illegal aliens tell our elected representatives the rules for living in America like being put up in luxury hotels or having sex-change surgery for imprisoned illegal aliens all courtesy of legal citizens. First & foremost we must eliminate the fallacious destructive anchor baby claim to birthright citizenship, settle the incompatible relationship of Muslims who follow Sharia law taking a U.S. citizenship oath, ban people from Muslim countries from entering America until we know that immigrants & refugees from these countries are not terrorists, end sanctuary cities & states, & restore the enforcement of immigration laws.
Trump, using the government offices & personnel that he controls, has to lead by example for corporations, schools, & individuals to follow - dispelling the made up notion that America is a nation full of inequities where the entire system of institutions, policies, & laws are themselves racist in need of total overhaul. Trump must focus on ending DEI, ESG, critical theories, cancel culture, the use of preferred personal pronouns, the teaching of the hateful 1619 Project, & the non-common sense "wokeness" that Biden/Harris thrived on where gender identity & sexual orientation are taught to children in kindergarten. It is pathetic to think that the American society was being dumbed down to think there are more than two sexes, that men have babies, & that you need to state your preferred pronouns when being introduced to someone or enlisting in the army.
You never heard Biden/Harris talk about liberty, deregulating incentives to unleash the free enterprise system, or productivity & economic growth that are the basis of an improved standard of living. These are the things that will return America to the excellence of our full sovereignty - free from our enemies intentionally putting "woke" anchors around our necks so that high school & college graduates don't have the education or training to get a meaningful job despite employers' multiple openings per unemployed worker.
None of this will be easy for Trump & time is of the essence. Conservative pundits do not make it any easier by wishfully declaring the election result gave Trump a mandate.
Whether going by the electoral college (Trump won by six more electoral votes than Biden had in 2020) or the popular vote (Trump had 1.47% more votes than Harris nationwide) the election was close in that it can easily be reversed in 2028 the same way the 2016 & 2020 elections were. Trump's popular vote margin was the fourth smallest of the 22 presidential elections since 1940 (Kennedy-Nixon 1960, Nixon-Humphrey 1968, & Bush-Gore 2000 were smaller). More people voted for someone not named Trump than Trump in 2024. So get ready for Democrat resistance.
The political definition of mandate is that the opposing party recognizes the will of the voters & capitulates or @ least stops resisting some issues the way Democrats did with President Reagan's Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 which passed the Democrat controlled House 282 to 95 & by voice vote in the Republican controlled Senate. Judge for yourself how much of a mandate Trump has by the resistance he encounters including from other Republicans. The first test for that being Mike Johnson's bid to be re-elected Speaker of the House on January 3 when Republicans hold a 219 to 215 miniscule advantage. The House majority will be as slim as 217 to 215 by the end of January when representatives Elise Stefanik & Mike Waltz resign from Congress to take jobs in Trump's administration - Stefanik to be UN Ambassador & Waltz to be National Security Advisor.
And we don't have any signs that the Democrats will cooperate. 1) Harris issued a word salad video telling her voters to stay in the fight; 2) Biden has offered some economic pointers that would only continue his Bidenomics program that was rejected; 3) Two days after the election Biden again extended a $10 B sanctions waiver that will allow Iran access to money in Iraq & Oman - money that can be used for terrorism or advancing its nuclear program; 4) Biden has been auctioning off border wall materials @ under the heading "government surplus for sale" to make Trump's immigration work all the harder - a court order prevented any further selling of these materials that are slated to be used when the border wall construction begins again after Trump retakes office; 5) Biden is spending every cent he can on the Green New Deal authorized under the Inflation Reduction Act; & 6) Three federal judges have unretired meaning these positions will not be vacant for Trump to fill.
The resistance stakes increased the day after Christmas from annoyance like those listed above to plans for blocking Trump from taking office. Two legal scholars, Evan Davis (Columbia) & David Schulte (Yale) wrote an op-ed on December 26 in The Hill giving Democrats ideas of how to block Trump's certification on January 6 on grounds that "an oath-breaking insurrectionist is ineligible to be president" & that "the evidence of Donald Trump's engaging in such insurrection is overwhelming." Both the op-ed & The Hill received plenty of online coverage from the NY Post, the Washington Times, FNC, Election Law Blog, AOL, Newsweek, & Daily Mail.
But the Democrats don't need another legal plan @ this late date no matter how valid it may appear. Kamala Harris holds her fate in her own hands in that just like Mike Pence four years earlier she is the person presiding over the counting of electoral votes this coming January 6. If Harris has the nerve & follows Trump's plan in principle that he laid out for Pence she will throw out enough electoral votes for Trump to make herself the winner. As detailed above a reversal of the electoral votes of WI, PA, & MI are enough to put her in the White House. Her evidence for this action would be the same as Trump provided Pence - nothing. After Harris deemed the Electoral Count Act of 2022 unconstitutional she would have taken the steps to delay or otherwise throw Trump's inauguration out of kilter thereby wasting precious time that is of the essence for Trump to straighten out the mess that she & Biden are leaving him.
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